A full-service garage, with a big purpose

Auto Repair and Maintenance

New Heights Auto Services voted 2023 Best Auto Repair in southwest Michigan, Readers Choice Award

Engine + Oil Changes / Brakes / Tires / Steering + Suspension / Radiator + Engine Cooling / Mufflers + Exhaust / Engine Diagnostics / Belts + Hoses / Belts + Hoses / Electrical / Safety Inspection /

Engine + Oil Changes / Brakes / Tires / Steering + Suspension / Radiator + Engine Cooling / Mufflers + Exhaust / Engine Diagnostics / Belts + Hoses / Belts + Hoses / Electrical / Safety Inspection /

What differentiates New Heights Auto Services from the rest?

We’re proud of the state certified expertise and the honest work New Heights Auto Services delivers, and we applaud our staff and their conscientious efforts that serve our customers well in southwest Michigan.

New Heights Auto Services is a social business, driven by a greater cause. The profits from our retail auto business help us provide reliable transportation for people who may not have the means to afford it. When you have your car serviced with us, you are actually giving back to the community.

We appreciate our many patrons who not only trust New Heights Auto Services to keep their vehicles running in tip-top shape, but while doing so, help support New Heights Auto Ministry.

  • Engine + Oil Changes

  • Brakes

  • Tires

  • Steering + Suspension

  • Radiator + Engine Cooling

Our mechanics can service:

  • Mufflers + Exhaust

  • Engine Diagnostics

  • Belts + Hoses

  • Electrical

  • Safety Inspections

New Heights Auto Services building

Convenient Location, Easy Access

Address: 4367 S Niles Rd,
St Joseph, MI 49085

Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-5 ET

Phone: (269) 932-3637

E-mail: info@newheightsccda.com

Our building faces M-139 in Royalton Township, just south of the Mark III Restaurant.


New Heights Auto Ministry

Helping financially strained individuals and families back on the road to secure jobs, medical appointments, grocery stores, churches, schools and productive lives with reliable transportation.

Donate a vehicle.


We welcome all makes and models of cars and trucks (even if they don't run).

Not all vehicles are viable as transportation for our guests. Some are salvaged for parts or sold at auction to enable the ministry to provide reliable transportation and to purchase parts to do car repairs for folks who aren't able to afford repairs themselves.

Fill out the form below to donate a vehicle and our New Heights team will contact you with next steps. Vehicle donations are tax deductible.

Karima and her new car

Yet we’re so much more.

  • "It is still hard to believe even after these 20 days that this vehicle belongs to me for God's use."


  • "I’m amazed at God’s blessing in my life.

    He has been so faithful. One of the first things I’m going to do with this vehicle is take my whole family to Indianapolis to buy comfort food from our home country. In addition, this vehicle is now making it possible for my niece and I to get to work.”


  • "They were very fair in price and repairs were done well.

    Their overall mission adds to the experience and the staff was both very capable and friendly.”


  • "The keys to this car unlocked my future."

    -Car ministry recipient, asked to remain anonymous-

  • "Courteous and respectful. Competitive price.

    Nice people. Money goes to good causes. Recommended!”
